Data Heist Chronicles: Unmasking CL0p's Attacks on Publicly Traded Companies
Among the most notorious actors wreaking havoc in recent months is the "CL0p" hacker group, which has gained notoriety for its successful attacks on publicly traded companies. Their modus operandi, leveraging zero-day vulnerabilities in file transfer software, has proven to be highly effective in executing data theft and demanding ransom payments. Read the full report.

Incident reports
Learn about the most recent events observed by our live-tracking system.
Our system is collecting intelligence 24/7 on over 73 active data leak sites for ransomware and extortion actors on the dark web. This unique insight allows you do understand your data risk exposure with your supply chain and third-party providers.
What has happened this week?
- A total of 168 new events observed
- 72 data leaks for previous events, including 5 events in sector Law Practice
- Threat actors have updated 170 events with new details
- Most organizations have only 51-200 employees
Most impacted countries?
- United States was impacted by 111 events
- Canada was impacted by 11 events
- United Kingdom was impacted by 8 events
- India was impacted by 7 events
- Taiwan was impacted by 7 events
Most recently observed ransomware leak site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for BianLian Leak Site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for DragonForce Leak Site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for Kairos Leak Site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for Space Bears Leak Site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for Money Message Leak Site
The above screenshot shows a recent copy of the data leak site / ransomware site for BlackSuit/Black Suit Site